Affiliate marketing program assets

See how I helped this e-commerce retailer amplify their brand on social media.

social media influencer post


E-commerce retailer Leatherology wanted to launch a new affiliate marketing program to amplify their brand across social media.

The goal was to attract affiliates aligned with their brand – high-profile fashion influencers with professional millennial followers, and avoid coupon and discount sites.



I wrote copy across multiple assets for Leatherology to communicate their affiliate marketing program benefits:

  1. Landing page on their website where prospective affiliates can apply for the program. View the page >
  2. Brand statement and privacy policies on their Shareasale merchant profile page. View the profile >
  3. Email templates for recruiting new bloggers to join the program. View the email templates >

In each of the these assets, the copy clearly articulated:

  1. The spirit of the Leatherology brand and its value proposition 
  2. Benefits of the program including what affiliates will get and how this benefits their audience
  3. A lively, fresh and fun brand voice that is consistent with other marketing communications
  4. The mechanics of how to apply for the program and on which affiliate networks, along with the “fine print” details and disclaimers
  5. An emphasis on partnership, collaboration, and mutual success


The affiliate program assets contributed to a successful program launch, resulting in an incremental $75K revenue in the first year!

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