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A Quick & Easy Value Proposition Template for Writers

Using a value proposition template can be one of the most valuable ways to prep for developing marketing messaging.

Copywriting can be painful enough for marketers, let alone prepping for copywriting.

“You mean I have to write before I can start writing??”

I hate to break it to you, but prepping for your writing is one of the most important steps in the copywriting process, and doing so will make the rest of your process go so much more smoothly and quickly.

Plus, your writing will be more effective.

A Quick & Easy Value Statement Template for Writers - Pinterest image

What is a value proposition statement?

A value proposition outlines how your product or service brings value to your customers and what makes you different from the alternative options. 

It is the core of who you serve, what those people need, and how you fulfill that need.

And how you do that better than your competitors.

To understand a value proposition definition, it’s important to clarify that it is not the same as vision, mission, or company values statements. 

It’s also not the same as a brand.

Vision statements are forward-thinking and show how your organization will be fulfilled and the impact it aims to create. 

Mission statements are focused on the present day and demonstrate why your company exists. 

Company values outline the company culture and define the principles your organization and employees live by. 

A brand is your organization’s “personality” (think company values but external facing.) 

Confusing, I know.

These are all important, and you can read more about mission, vision, and company values, but it’s not our focus for today.

Value proposition statements are much more granular. 

They can be company- or product-specific. They outline exactly what your product or service is, who it serves, and what makes it better.

Another common misconception about value propositions is that they are some sort of catchy phrase that you can use as the headline of your website.

The value proposition statement itself is much more important than a headline. It is the core of what all your headlines will stem from.

It’s not artsy or abstract. 

And it’s NOT the same as ad copy.

Why do you need a value proposition template?

Before you can start writing copy for a marketing campaign, you must understand the value of the product or service you’re marketing. 

You must understand the benefit that someone will receive, the need you fulfill, and what makes your product unique. 

If you don’t understand it, how can you communicate it to someone else?

The tricky thing here is that I suspect so many copywriters and marketers jump in to writing copy for their campaigns, thinking they know the value proposition… but they really don’t. 

They think that the value comes from the product features. 

The truth is that customers don’t buy features, they buy value. (Maybe they think they buy features, but trust me on this one.)

They buy time-savers, money-savers, life-savers. 

Something to make them rich or beautiful or more relaxed.

Using a value proposition template will help you identify what exactly your customers are getting. 

It’s a crucial way to “get your head straight” and create a good foundation from which all of your marketing copy can flow. 

It also prevents you from putting conflicting messaging out into the market, and it solidifies the “idea” that your customers get when they visualize your product.

How to write a value proposition

Ok, so we know what value proposition statements are and why they’re important. 

Now, how do you write one? 

To make things easy, here’s a value proposition template. (You fill in the words in the brackets!)


For [audience] who [need] and [want]. The [product] is [what] that provides [solution]. Unlike [competition], our product [differentiator].


Your audience is your customers. Your target market. Who you serve.

You must know what they need and want so that you can appeal to them.

Then you must introduce your product, what it is, and how it solves the needs and wants of your audience.

Then you must identify your competition. Basically, what other alternatives does your audience have?

And then identify how your product is different than the competition. More specifically, why it’s better.

Value proposition statement template

Here’s an example of a value proposition that I wrote for my own copywriting services business:

For scrappy marketing teams who launch multiple concurrent marketing campaigns and want quick and consistent copy solutions that best represent their brand. My copywriting services provide audience-centric copy and utilize proven persuasive techniques that convert. Unlike other copywriters, I have extensive digital and direct-response marketing experience so my copy fits right into clients' strategic campaigns. Unlike in-house copywriting teams, my services are cost effective and offer a fresh perspective.
Brittany Duffin
Copywriter & Digital Marketer

…It’s a mouthful, I know. 

Luckily, this is a writing exercise, not actual ad copy. (Please don’t actually publish your statement directly on your company website.) 

A couple more tips

Your value proposition template doesn’t have to be clever or witty —  in fact, it shouldn’t be. 

It just has to be the closest to the truth that you can get. Filling out that formula forces you to really consider, why should anyone care?

Besides being true, it should also be very specific. Remember value proposition statements are granular. 

Additionally, your statement should be something that anyone in the company could understand.

Ditch the jargon.

Lastly, ask yourself if any brand could say this about their product or service? 

Could your competitor say this about their product or service? 

If so, keep at it. 

Try to write one for each individual product line, if your company has several.


So now that you understand the purpose and process of writing value proposition statements, I challenge you to write one for your own brand. 

If you work as a team, challenge your teammates to write them individually, and then come together to compare. 

Are they similar? 

Is everyone on the same page? 

Revisit your statement before writing marketing copy.

I promise your marketing campaigns will be better for it!

And just for fun, share your value proposition statement in the comments below!

Having trouble? Contact me for a consultation.

Headshot of Brittany Duffin, copywriter and digital marketer

My name is Brittany, and I have 10 years of experience in copywriting and digital and direct-response marketing.

I’m here to help you sharpen your writing skills and enhance your marketing messaging. When I’m not brainstorming the next best subject line, you can find me watching scary movies, skating, and taking pictures of my food.